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Water Colour for Beginners
Online Creative Writing
Creative Embroidery
Introduction to Printmaking
Make Up Techniques January
Spanish for Beginners Class (B)
Creative Writing Improvers
Assertiveness and Negotiation Skills in the Workplace
Spanish for Beginners Continuation(January 2025)
Data Science with Python
Yoga B
Spanish Improvers (2)
Beginners Photography
Portuguese Beginners
Portuguese Beginners (Continuation)
Italian Improvers
Ukulele Beginners
Ukulele Continuation
Gentle Pilates for over 60's
Introduction to Massage
Introduction to Reiki Level 2
Beginners BeeKeeping
Cake Decorating
Creative Writing Beginners
Drawing and Painting Improvers
Flower Arranging
French for Beginners
Guitar for Beginners
Guitar Continuation -(January 2025)
International Cookery
Introduction to Graphic Design
Introduction to Reiki Level 1
Introduction to Wood Carving
Irish Hairdressing Federation (Practical Hairdressing Module)
Italian for Beginners
Microsoft Excel Beginners
Microsoft Advanced Excel
Pilates Mixed Ability
Spanish for Beginners (A)
Tai Chi
Vegan and Vegetarian Cookery
Yoga A
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