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Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology Management
Foundations in Teaching (Education and Training)
Project Management
Human Resources with Business
Human Resource Management
Computer Systems and Networks
Business Studies
Business Finance & Accounting
Accounting with Business
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Public Health & Health Promotion
Preparation for College (General Studies)
Bachelor of Science in Public Health & Health Promotion
Office Administration with Data Processing (Information Processing) (Nuncio Rd Campus)
Furniture Design & Making (with woodturning) (Nuncio Rd Campus)
Art with Start Your Own Business (Nuncio Rd Campus)
Web Design & IT Skills (Nuncio Rd Campus)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Management
Criminology, Psychology with Law (Community Health Services)
Mental Health Studies (Community Health Services)
Introduction to Woodwork
Pathways to Art & Design
Applied Social Care (Social & Vocational Integration)
Influencing and Digital Content Creation (Creative Media)
Pathways to Office Administration with Business English
Pathways to Office Administration
Pathways to Media Studies
Pathways to Childcare
Pathways to Animal Care
Exercise, Health and Wellbeing (Sports, Recreation and Exercise)
Introduction to Office Skills
Introduction to Hairdressing
Introduction to Childcare
Introduction to Art, Design and Digital Photography
Health Care Supervisory Management (Health Services Supervisory Management Skills)
Health Care Assistant (Health Service Skills)
Personal Training with Fitness Instruction
Sustainability and Environmental Studies (General Studies)
Software & App Development (Software Development)
Community and Social Care (Community Care)
Health Service Skills
Exercise and Fitness (Sports, Recreation & Exercise)
Youth Work and Addiction Studies (Youth Work)
ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 6)
ELC - Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care
Pre Garda Studies with Criminology (Legal Studies)
Tourism, Business and Marketing (Tourism with Business)
Office Administration with Medical Terminology (Office Administration)
Nursing Studies
Hairdressing and Barbering Techniques (Hairdressing Senior Trade)
Hairdressing (Hairdressing)
Advanced Beauty Therapy (Beauty Therapy Diploma)
Beauty Therapy, Massage and Electrotherapy
Media Studies (Media Production)
Advanced Fine Art (Art)
Art with Animation Studies (Art)
Fine Art - Portfolio Preparation (Art)
Special Needs Assisting (Community Care)
Hair and Makeup (Hairdressing)
Office Administration with Reception Skills (Office Administration)
Advertising and Digital Marketing (Creative Media)
Animal Health Care (Animal Care)
Animal Care with Veterinary Skills (Animal Care)
Retail Practice and Sales (Retail Practice)
Payroll Administrator (Office Administration)
Tattoo Artistry (Creative Media)
Animal Care with Grooming (Animal Care)
Social Studies with Youth Work (Youth Work)
Office IT Skills (Office Informatics)
Media and Design Skills (Media Production)
Advanced Horsemanship with BHS Stage 2 (Horsemanship)
Horsemanship with BHS Stage 1 (Horsemanship)
Applied Psychology (Community Health Services)
Art, Craft and Design (Island Mill Campus)
Advanced Craft Studies (Art) (Island Mill Campus)
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